Sunday, 28 June 2015

How to create balance, part 2

Previos blogpost: Understanding yin & yang

Understanding balance and imbalance

The yin and yang energies are in a constant flow, never static. A healthy flow and shift of yin and yang create health and balance between body, mind and heart, while imbalance may result in illness and disease. There are two different types imbalance, excess of yang and excess of yin:
  • Excess of yang energy
    This type of imbalance may result in restlessness, hyperactivity, anxiety, aggressiveness and frustration and/or feeling burnt out. The energy of constantly needing to move and do creates makes it harder to relax and wind down
  • Excess of yin energy;
    Examples of this type of imbalance are feeling tired, weak, lacking self esteem and confidence, feeling hopeless, overthinking and depression. 

The topic of yin and yang is very subtle, so don't worry if it seems confusing. By becoming more aware of the internal energies step by step we can begin to understand how the energies affect us, giving us tools to handle the constant change of life without losing ourselves in it.  

Coming up: How to regain balance

Monday, 22 June 2015

Summer Yoga has begun!

This summer I am offering 4 different yoga classes. Even though the classes are different yoga styles, they are themed for summer, favoring postures such as forward folds, mild back bends and grounding poses to balance the body and mind. 

Lets cultivate having a creative and playful attitude towards practicing this summer, not being too hard on ourselves and expressing ourselves more freely from an open heart.

EveryBODY can yoga!

Monday, 15 June 2015

How to create balance, part 1

Understanding yin & yang

According to Chinese medicine everything consists of the opposite energies; yin and yang. Even though the two principles are each other's opposite, one can not exist without the other. For example night (yin) and day (yang) need each other to exist. The energies of life are in constant change and exist in everything around us as well as within ourselves.

The symbol of yin & yang is half dark (yin) and half light (yang), the two polarities making each other whole. The symbol having a white dot in the black area and vice versa also states that there's always a little yin in yang and a little yang in yin, each being born into the opposite quality.

Yangis the solar energy (doing)

Yang yoga is a dynamic practice to strengthen and stretch the muscular tissue. Creating heat through movement. Examples of yang yoga are vinyasa flow, ashtanga and power yoga. Other physical activities such as running, swimming, cardio etc. are also considered yang. 

Yinis the lunar energy (being)

Yin yoga is a slow paced and quiet practice. By staying muscularly passive for longer periods of time targeting the fascia/connective tissue in the body. We also practice present moment awareness, mindfulness and reflection. Yin yoga is a complement to your yang practice (which can be yoga or other physical activity).

Coming up: what balance and imbalance mean and how to regain balance

Friday, 12 June 2015

Child of the universe poem

You are a child of the universe, 
no less than the trees and the stars;
You have the right to be here. 
And whether or not it is clear to you, 
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should"
- Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Who owns yoga?

Interested in a Sunday documentary?
A highly recommended documentary about yoga in the modern world.

"How is it changing? Does it belong to India? Does it belong to anyone? 
And does it even matter?"
- Bhanu Bhatnagar

"Yoga reminds me that if I just am,
that if I just concentrate on my breath,
the problems that keep going around and around in my head,
none of it is real, 
that none of it is true.
And that its just a fabrication, an illusion. 
- Bhanu Bhatnagar

Monday, 1 June 2015

Dagar med motstånd

Dagar när det tar emot att meditera är de dagar det är som viktigast att göra det.

 Genom att välja att se de tillfällen som en utmaning snarare än ett hinder,
istället för att försöka förändra och trycka undan det som är,
låta det vara.

Vad det än må vara som ligger under får ytan får finnas,
Yogans väg är acceptans, det ärliga och det hållbara.

Practice and all is comming.