Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Chakras 101:

How can knowledge about the chakra system help you find balance, what are the chakras really and why do they matter?! 

According to yogic tradition we exist of more than the physical body. The subtle body or energy body can neither be seen nor touched and exists of prana (life force energy), nadis (channels in which prana flows) and chakras

Chakra is a sanskrit word that translates into spinning wheel. The chakras are located where the nadis meet and cross each other, creating swirling wheels of energy. The 7 major chakras are aligned from the base of the spine (root chakra) up to the crown of the head (crown chakra). 

The chakras are responsible for maintaining a healthy flow of energy in the body to balance the mind, body and spirit. Each chakra is connected to different organs and glands and  represents unique characteristics. If a chakra is blocked or out of balance the energy becomes stagnant. Depending on which chakra is out of balance you may experience different symptoms depending on the chakras responsibilities on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

It is not as mystical as it may sounds, the whole universe is made up from energy and so are you!

During these upcoming months, beginning in October, I will guide you month by month though the 7 main chakras. I will explain what they stand for, represent and how to self diagnose wether they are in balance or not. I will also give you yogic tools how to  take care of your energy system so that you can live your life to the fullest.

This 7 month journey through the chakras can be whatever you want it to be, your belief system is your limit. By developing an understanding for the chakra system and the energy body you can deepen your understanding for yourself and take your practice to a new level! You will have amazing effects of the upcoming yoga sequences whether you believe chakras exist or not but I advise you to have an open mind and to enjoy the journey!

Monday, 21 September 2015

Wind of change

A new chapter of my life has started, studying Wellness development at a folk high school in Sweden. So far we've been busy getting to know each other. Exploring the area around us by being on cycling, hiking and canoeing adventures, therefore my blogging has been a little missing in action, but I am getting back on track ;)

Next blog post will be an introduction to the Chakras, what they mean and why they matter. After that, beginning in October, I will guide you through the seven Chakras month by month, sharing yogi tips and yoga sequences for you to enjoy at home!

This is a photo of my new classmates (a wonderful group of people) after a yin yoga session. I am excited for what this year will bring, to grow both as a group but also individually. I am confident that this school and this year will allow for me to deepen my practice and my teaching! Trusting the journey pays off once again, gratitude fills my heart. 


Thursday, 3 September 2015

THE yoga pose

If you're going to do only one yoga pose, Legs-up-the-wall is the answer because of the many effects! It is a mild inversion, an up side down pose, a restorative variation to shoulderstand.

Benefits of inverting the body:

- Calms the mind and relieves stress and anxiety
- Relieves lower-back tension
- Improves digestion and cirkulation
- Helps regulate blood pressure 

Therapeutic for migranes, headaches, arthritis, insomnia, mild depression, menstrual cramps, PMS and menopausal symptoms...

You can do this pose almost anywhere as long as you have a wall, a tree or any other surface to exted the legs up against :) Personally I usually do this pose in bed to de-stress if I have trouble falling asleep.

Lie on your back with your sit bones as close to the wall as comfortable and extend the legs up. Your arms can rest by your side, on your belly or above the head. Option to elevate the hips on a block, blankets or pillows, finding a position that works for you. 

Close the eyes and enjoy the pose from three minutes up to ten or 15 minutes for deeper relaxation :) Namaste

Photo by Saara Oinonen