This yin yoga practice is a hip opening sequence and according to yogic philosophy we store emotions in all our cell tissues, especially in the hips. As you move through this sequence, be gentle with yourself and listen to the sensations that arise both on a physical and mental level. By staying muscularly passive in these poses for three minutes it gently stresses the connective tissues. By opening up the physical body we can let go of tightness, of holding on to unhealthy memories and emotions. See if you can observe the feelings that arise and observe them without getting attached to them. Practice using your breath to breathe through any physical and mental sensations, thoughts and feelings as they arise, using the exhales to let go.
"Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way"
- Cybele Tomlinson
Before you begin, lie down on your back and close your eyes. Begin to deepen your breath to calm the mind. Set an intention for your practice to release and let go of any unhealthy emotions, memories, stress or anything that comes to your mind that dosent serve you anymore.
1. Supta Padangusthasana. Bend in the right knee towards your chest and extend the leg. Place a strap around the ball of the foot and hold onto it with your hands, lower down the shoulders away from the ears and begin to draw in the leg towards yourself. You can make a strap out of almost anything, a piece of clothing, a belt or a scarf. You can keep the knee slightly bent and try to relax the body as much as possible even though you have to engage some muscular activity to remain in the pose. Stay in the position for three minutes, before switching leg.
2. Happy Baby. Bend both knees and take a hold of the outside edges of the feet. With the help of the hands draw the knees down towards the armpits. Option to do half happy baby, bending in one leg at a time. Remain in the position for three minutes before hugging in the knees towards your chest and rocking gently side to side to massage the back.
3. Swan/sleeping swan. From lying on your back, come to stand on all fours and bring your right knee forwards towards your right hand. Begin to lower down the right hip towards the ground, if your right hip is lifted you can place a blanket or pillow under the sitbone. Either remain seated supporting yourself on your hands or option to lower down onto the forearms, maybe even to lower down the forehead to the hands. Remain in the pose for three minutes before you slowly move into swan pose or sleeping swan variation on the other leg.
4. Savasana. Final relaxation, lie on your back with your legs apart so that the hip can relax. Take a couple of sighing exhalations through the mouth. Exhaling out any last tension or stress stored in the body or the mind, creating space for new and better opportunities instead. Remain in savasana for at least three minutes before slowly awakening yourself and thank yourself for taking the time to practice yoga today.
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