Sunday, 7 February 2016

6 Poses for Neck and Shoulder Pain

This is a short series of 6 poses that can relieve pain and have a therapeutic effect on neck, shoulder and upper back issues. 

So, give yourself a break from whatever you are doing right now to tune in with your body and allow yourself to be in the moment with your breath and physical sensations as your anchor and focus. Either try this sequence next time you experience neck or shoulder pain, or why not make a habit to practice some of these poses during your work or school day, this is especially benefitial if seated in front of a desk or computer all day!

Enjoy, move slowly, be gentle as you hold the poses. Breathe and allow stress to relieve, better your posture create greater circulation in the upper body. 

Photos by Saara Oinonen

1. Begin in a comfortable seated position and lower down the chin towards the chest. To increase the stretch in the neck you can interlace the fingers and place the hands at the back of the head. Remain for 5 breaths.

2. Lower the right ear towards the right shoulder, option to place the hand om the side of the head to deepen the pose. Hold for five breaths before woling the head over to the other side.

3. Place the palms together in reverse namaste behind your back, fingertips pointing up. Option to take a hold of the elbows. Lower down the shoulders from the ears. Hold for five deep breaths as you broaden your chest.

4. Interlace the fingers behind you and lower down the knuckles to the mat. Open the chest, your heart center and if it feels okay drop the head back and open the throat as well, take five breaths.

5. Lower down the crown of the head towards the mat, lift the hips off the heels and allow the arms to become heave as you open the shoulders. Remain for five breaths.

6. Lower down the hips towards the heels and rest the forehead towards the mat. Rest in childspose for at least five breaths before you roll up to seated, place the hands to heart center and thank yourself for taking the time to do this short get effective yoga practice and mindfulness moment. 


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