Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Seal in The Practice

THANK YOU, thank you, thank you
to all of you who have created and shared awesome energy during Summer Yoga this year! 


This morning was the last day of the scheduled summer yoga, however stay updated for any extra pop up yoga classes like last Saturday ;) Also I will soon release info about a course in September to nurture yourself at Wasa Yoga Center and tune into the shift of seasons with Yoga!

At the end of the yoga classes we chant the mantra OM to seal in the practice, but what does this powerful sound really mean? 

OM is a mantra, or a vibration that is often called the "sound of the universe" and vibrates in everything so softly we are mostly unaware of it. It is the vibration of a heart pulsing, the melody in a sea shell, the vibration of the waves in the ocean and the echo from big bang.

When we chant OM out loud we pronounce it as A-U-M and the sound creates a vibration in the body that is soothing and brings you in contact with your true self. According to yogic tradition we seal in the practice by chanting OM together as an expression of gratitude and respect to our higher selves, universal consciousness, loving kindness, compassion and love - within and without. As with everything in yoga you are free to give your practice your own meaning and can therefore add any meaning to this moment when we sit in stillness and unite with the palms together in front of our hearts.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti - Peace Peace Peace

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