Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Seasonal Yoga: Autumn

This Saturday was spent at Wasa Yoga Center where I held a one day course on how to ease into autumn with yoga. As the energies in nature change it effects our internal energies as well and it is not uncommon that this can raise mixed emotions such as stress, restlessness or anxiety. Here are some of the tips that were shared and practiced during Saturdays course on how to stay grounded, centered and in balance during this season of change;

  • Practice balancing poses to create a stable body and a stable mind. It dosen't matter if you fall, the practice is all about finding balance over and over again even though it might feel windy. Root down through your standing foot and anchor yourself to the earth.

  • Stay grounded by practicing meditation. There are numerous ways to practice meditation, and I recommend you to try walking meditation. Click here for more info on how to practice walking meditation to beat stress. 

  • Take care of your immune system by practicing inversions. Inversions are upside down poses, such as headstand, shoulderstand and legs up the wall. For more info about legs up the wall, (according to Yogi Bhajan, if you are only going to practice one yoga pose, this should be it) click here

  • Turn inwards and focuse on your internal space. As we transition from the carefree months in summer (yang) towards winter (yin), sun to moon energies, we can make this transition feel easier by practicing yin yoga or restorative yoga.

  • Spend time in nature and enjoy the show that nature puts on right now. Autumn really is the season of transition as you might see changes in nature even from day to day.

  • Take advice from the trees and let go. The beautiful trees are now letting go of their leaves and you can take the opportunity to do the same. Ask yourself what thoughts, thought patterns or behaviors you wish to let go of. Twisting poses are detoxifying both on a physical and emotional level and are therefore beneficial in a healing and releasing practice this time of the year. 

  • Do what you enjoy! Last but not least, bring out the sweaters, candles, tea or wine, hot soups or your knitting and enjoy getting cozy :) 

Photo by Saara Oinonen

The wind of change is also exciting, for me this means beginning my yoga and travel journey today!
Next stop: Krabi!!! Stay updated here and on my instagram ;) 

Until then, embrace the inner and outer transition of this season.

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